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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of using Yoni Eggs?


Emotionally, yoni eggs help facilitate healing and the release of sexual and/or physical trauma as well as clear out fears, pain and anger replacing those emotions with love, trust, forgiveness and most times acceptance.

Spiritually, yoni eggs form enlightenment through the deep relationship connection between the womb and the crystal by the contraction and release of the yoni. Energetic levels are heightened ultimately bringing balance and clearance to the chakras. The yoni egg holds special unique energies assigned to each crystal helping to enhance inner standings of ancient wisdoms.

Physically, yoni eggs give kegel exercises a great boost by strengthening and tonifying the pelvic floor. In turn this helps with bladder control as well as prevent uterine prolapse. You will notice increased lubrication, sensitivity, tightening of the vagina walls and heightened orgasmic pleasure.


Which yoni egg & what size should I start with?


My suggestion is start with the yoni egg you are most drawn or connected to, only you can be the judge of that. Please understand that there is no right or wrong answer as your spirit will guide you. Some beginners start with Black Obsidian, reflecting upon your true self with acceptance and removing toxic energies that have been blocking, Rose Quartz, ushering in self-love, beauty and happiness, Adventurine, receiving wealth and creating optimism. The medium (30x40mm) yoni egg is where most women start. Larger (40x50mm) eggs are often used for those who have had previous vaginal births or has just given birth. And the small (20x30mm) yoni egg would be considered the expert egg as we would work our way down to that size.


Is there a special way to cleanse the yoni egg?


There is no need to use soap on your yoni egg. Begin by boiling some water and letting it cool enough to pour over the egg in a separate glass or bowl, making sure that your egg is completely submerged in the water. Keep your egg in the water for at least 15 mins until it has cooled down and is cool to the touch. After your egg is cleansed you may set it out in the sun and/or moon to soak up all that abundant energy. You may also bond or carry your yoni egg with you imparting your intentions and goals for your yoni egg experience as the egg will pick up the energies it encounters. If there is something tugging on YOUR spirit to incorporate into YOUR practice, ALWAYS do so, 


I'm ready to insert my yoni egg, how do I do that?


Making sure you are relaxed would be where you would start. Being relaxed helps your yoni to receive the egg effortlessly. Make sure the larger part of the egg is pointed up and the smaller part is facing the floor while you hold it. While relaxed you will gently insert your egg, not needing to force, as your muscles will suck the yoni egg in and up.


Can I really have sex with my yoni egg inside? 


But of course, you most certainly can. Be sure to always pay attention to what your body is telling you and listen.


How long should I leave my yoni egg inside? 


You can begin with one day at a time, moving up to three days, ultimately understanding that your body as well as your yoni egg will let you when it's ready to come out. Make sure your are not using your yoni egg while on your menstrual cycle, it is highly recommended that you allow this time to be for release. 


What are the benefits of using Herbal Womb Detox Pearls?


The Womb Detox Pearl has been known to address certain issues as infertility, endometriosis, fibroids, vaginal infections, dryness, and ovarian cancer. The optimal functionality of the womb has been altered due to the toxins overriding the body's natural way of cleansing and so believed that toxins are at the bottom and cause of all dis-ease within the body. Odors have been eliminated as well as old stagnated blood left from monthly cycles. Scar tissue has been purged. Not to leave out how these detox pearls has helped with the restoration of moisture and tightness within the vagina.


What should I expect after using the Womb Detox Pearls?


You will notice, often times, a nice amount of material (i.e. scar tissue, stagnated blood) that has been in your womb released after you have completed a womb detox with our pearls.


Can I use the Herbal Womb Detox Pearl if I have an IUD?


You should be sure to consult with your Womb Wellness Advocate before you purchase.


Can I use the Detox Pearls while I am pregnant?


DO NOT use pearls while pregnant and/or breastfeeding.


If I am still having sex, can I use the Womb Detox Pearls?


You can NOT have sex while using the pearls as this is time for detoxing and releasing and you don't want to transfer any of the toxins and/or waste that's being purged from you unto your partner. It is recommended to wait a full 48 hours after the detox to resume sexual activity.


Will the Womb Detox Pearls cure any of my STD's?


The pearls remove dead skin cells and waste that has been attached to the womb. These pearls DO NOT cure STD's.


What herbs are the pearls comprised of?


The active ingredients in the Womb Detox Pearls are saffron, borneol, common cnidium fruit, natural indigo, sophora flavescens for detoxing. Angelica, pearl powder, radix asparagi, radix ophiopogonis for nourishing. Motherwort, dandelion, curculigo orchioides for tightening.


Will the Womb Detox Pearl help my Uterine Fibroid?


The Womb Detox Pearls helps supports the shedding of the excess waste, non essential tumorous tissue attached to the womb through the medicinal properties of the herbs.


What are the benefits of doing a Yoni "V" Steaming?


Yoni steaming supports fertility, PMS, difficult menstrual cycles, endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, trauma, post partum, menopause. This is a practice with the medicine of the plants used to relax, realign and restore balance. It supports emotional and spiritual cleansing and healing. All women could benefit from this pampering act.


What does a Yoni Steam session look like?


Take time to create your experience, think about a comfortable place in which you'd like to enjoy this peaceful time with yourself. Make sure this place is clear of clutter. Set your intentions for your experience as you pour love into your herbs, Grab a book and some tea. Light some candles, play some light music and relax. Trust.


What herbs are used in Yoni Steams? DO NOT use essential oils in steams.


Calendula-used for the healing of scar tissue, hemorrhoids and/or vaginal tears and lessens inflammation.

Mugwort-used for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and promotes suppressed menstrual discharge.

Rosemary-antimicrobial, increases blood flow and circulation to the reproductive organs, speeds healing, fights bacteria infection.

Lavender-sedative , healing and relaxing properties.

Motherwort-helps alleviate cramps, fatigue, and aids in relaxation.

Rose Petals-astringent that helps with relaxation and upliftment.

Yarrow-astringent, cleansing and anti-bacterial, regulates menstrual flow.


Can I Yoni Steam if I'm pregnant?


NO, NO and NO. A woman who is or thinks she may be pregnant should NOT engage in any type of yoni steaming. This could harm the pregnancy due to many of the herbs alter the hormone levels which in turn could cause contractions of the uterus.


You should NOT steam if you are?


Preganant, menstruating, have internal infections or inflammation, open sores or blisters present,


What should I expect after my Yoni Steam?


The herbs have a powerful effect on the uterus dislodging most of what was encrusted within the womb. The steam can cause the menstrual cycle to change causing a heavier, darker and thicker flow for just a day or two or just extend the length. You will definitely feel relaxed after your steaming esperience. 


How often should I Yoni Steam?


It's recommended that women steam at least two times per month for as part of a healthy self-care regimen, during weeks in which you are not menstruating. Women who suffer from pain, bloating or exhaustion during menstruation should steam two-three times within the week before menstruation. Women who are experiencing fertility challenges should steam once per week, and maybe twice during pre-ovulation, to make sure that the tissue is moist and that the cervical fluids are clear and copious. Expect to steam for three months before seeing results. For postpartum, a yoni steam may be done three times per week for four weeks to facilitate healing and toning of the uterus and vagina (please be sure there are no open wounds and that you are no longer bleeding). Women who are experiencing or who have passed menopause should steam at least three times per year for maintenance, but may steam more often if it feels right. If your challenges are chronic, you may want to steam up to three times per week to ensure the greatest result.


Can Yoni Steam help if I struggle with infertility?


Yes, it sure does!! Dr. Arvigo shared in the interview called Vaginal Steams for Preconception and Postpartum how vaginal steaming is beneficial for women trying to conceive. Women in which are trying to conceive should steam at least once per week except when menstruating for at least three months before expecting results. Combining vaginal steams with abdominal massage treatments, this woman may become pregnant within one to three cycles.


Is Yoni Steaming beneficial for pre or post menopausal women?


Women that fall in this category are encouraged to steam at least three times each year, especially in the year after ceasing menstruation. While doing so, women will still see dark colored dryish fluid passing each time while the uterus cleanses and removes what has been leftover. Steaming helps eliminate symptoms such as discomfort, pain during intercourse and vaiginal dryness states the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism.


Why should I steam if I've had a partial or total hysterectomy?


Steaming is still very beneficial for you. Even though part or all of the uterus has been removed, your energetic center still remains and can truly benefit from the warmth and clearing the steam provides. Steaming increases circulation, eliminates odor, and eliminates bacterial infections such as yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, cervicitis and trichomoniasis. Steaming is a great way to pamper yourself and relax. Benefits like that are always a plus.


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